What’s .NEXT 2016 – Acropolis X-Fit

Now that Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) has been GA for approx 18 months (with many customers using it in production well before official GA), Nutanix has had a lot of positive feedback about its ease of deployment, management, scaling and performance. However there has been a common theme that customers have wanted the ability to create rules to seperate VMs and to keep VMs together much like vSphere’s DRS functionality.

Since the GA of AHV, it has supported some basic DRS functionality including initial placement of VMs and the ability to restore a VMs data locality by migrating the VM to the node containing the most data locally.

These features work very well, so the affinity and anti-affinity rules were the main pain point. While AHV is not designed to or aimed to be feature parity with ESXi or Hyper-V, DRS style rules is one area where similar functionality makes sense whereas in many other areas, AHV is and will remain very different to legacy hypervisors.

No surprise the AHV scheduler now provides VM/host affinity and anti-affinity rule capabilities which (similar to vSphere DRS) allows for “Should” and “Must” rules to control how the cluster enforces the rules.


Rule types which can be created:

  • VM-VM affinity: Keep VMs on a same host.
  • VM-VM anti-affinity: Keep VMs on separate hosts.
  • VM-Host affinity: Keep a given VM on a group of hosts.
  • VM-Host anti-affinity: Keep a given VM out of a group of hosts.
  • Affinity and Anti-affinity rules are cross-cluster policies.
  • Users can specify MUST as well as SHOULD enforcement of DRS rules

In addition to matching the capabilities of vSphere DRS, the Acropolis X-Fit functionality is also tightly integrated with both the compute and storage layers and works to proactively identify and resolve storage and compute contention by automatically moving virtual machines while ensuring data locality is optimised.


There are many other exciting load balancing capabilities to come so stay tuned as the AHV scheduler has plenty more tricks up its sleeve.

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Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) Intelligent VM Load Balancing at Power On

I thought I would share a quick demonstration showing how Nutanix Acropolis Hypervisor (AHV) load balances VMs at power on to ensure optimal performance.

This is just one of the many seemingly simple functions of AHV to ensure optimal performance throughout the cluster. Its pretty simple, when AHV issues a Power On request it queries the Acropolis Master which continually receives compute (CPU/RAM) and Storage (Capacity/Performance) data from the Acropolis Slaves (other nodes) in the cluster.

When the Acropolis Master receives the power on request it simply looks for the node with the lowest utilization and issues the command to power on the VM.

This is a simple, proactive way of minimising the chance of compute contention within a cluster.

Related Articles:

  1. Why Nutanix Acropolis hypervisor (AHV) is the next generation hypervisor

How to successfully Virtualize MS Exchange – Part 8 – Local Storage

As discussed in Part 7, Local Storage is probably the most basic form of storage we can present to ESXi and use for Exchange MBX/MSR VMs.

The below screen shot shows what local storage can look like to an ESXi host.


As we can see above, the highlighted datastore is simply an SSD formatted with VMFS5. So in this case a single drive not running RAID, and therefore in the event of the drive failing, any data on the drive would be permanently lost.

Note: The above image is simply an example. In reality multiple drives most likely SAS or SATA would be used as SSD is unnecessary for Exchange.

In some ways this is very similar to a physical Exchange deployment on JBOD storage and I would like to echo the recommendations Microsoft give for JBOD deployments from the Exchange 2013 storage configuration options guide and say for JBOD deployments, I strongly recommend at least 3 database copies.

As per the recommendation in Part 4 (DRS), MS Exchange MBX/MSR VMs should always run on separate ESXi hosts to ensure a single host failure does not potentially cause an issue for the DAG. This is especially important because if two Exchange servers shared the same ESXi host and local storage, a single ESXi host outage could cause data loss and downtime for part or all of the Exchange environment.

The below is a screen shot from the Exchange 2013 storage configuration options guide showing the recommendations based on RAID or JBOD deployments. In my option these recommendations also apply to virtualized Exchange deployments on Local storage.


Another option is to use Local Storage in a RAID configuration to eliminate the Single Point of Failure (SPOF) of a single drive failure.

Again, I agree with Microsoft’s recommendations and suggest at least two database copies when using a RAID configuration and again, each Exchange VM must run on its own ESXi host on dedicated physical disks.

Note: The RAID controller itself is still a SPOF which is why multiple copies is recommended from both an availability and data protection perspective.

Let’s now discuss the pros and cons for using Local Storage with JBOD for your Virtualized Exchange Deployment.


1. Generally lower cost per GB than centralized storage (e.g.: SAN)
2. Higher usable capacity per drive compared to RAID or centralized storage configurations using RAID or other propitiatory data protection techniques.
3. Local JBOD Storage formatted with VMFS is a fully supported configuration


1. No protection from data loss in the event of a JBOD drive failure. Note: For non DAG deployments, RAID and 3rd party backups should always be used!
2. Performance/Capacity in JBOD deployments is limited to the capabilities of a single drive.
3. Loss of Virtualization functionality such as HA / DRS and vMotion (without performing a Storage vMotion every time)
4. Can be difficult/costly to scale when nearing capacity.
5. Increased Management (Operational) overheads managing decentralized storage
6. At least 3 database copies are recommended, requiring more Exchange MBX/MSR servers.
7. Little/no protection against data corruption which may lead to all DAG copies suffering corruption. Note: If the corruption is not discovered in time, LAGGED copies can also be compromised.
8. Capacity cannot be shared between between ESXi hosts which may lead to inefficient use of the available capacity.

Next here are some pros and cons for using Local Storage with RAID for your Virtualized Exchange Deployment.


1. Generally lower cost per GB than centralized storage (e.g.: SAN)
2. A single drive failure will not cause data loss or a DAG failover
3. Performance is not limited to a single drives capabilities
4.Local Storage with RAID formatted with VMFS is a fully supported configuration
5. As there is no data loss with a single drive failure, less database copies are required (2 instead of >=3 for JBOD)


1. Increased Management (Operational) overheads managing decentralized storage
2. Performance/Capacity is limited to the capabilities of a single drive
3. Loss of Virtualization functionality such as HA / DRS and vMotion (without performing a Storage vMotion every time)
4. Little/no protection against data corruption which may lead to all DAG copies suffering corruption. Note: If the corruption is not discovered in time, LAGGED copies can also be compromised.
5. Capacity cannot be shared between ESXi hosts which may lead to inefficient use of the available capacity
6. Performance is constrained by a single RAID controller / set of drives and can be difficult/costly to scale when nearing capacity.

For more information about data corruption for JBOD or RAID deployments, see “Data Corruption“.


1. When using local storage, (JBOD or RAID), as per Part 4, run only one Exchange MBX/MSR VM per ESXi host
2. Use dedicated physical disks for Exchange MBX/MSR VM (i.e.: Do not share the same disks with other workloads)
3. Store the Windows OS / Exchange application VMDK on local storage which is configured with RAID to ensure a single drive does not cause the VM an outage.
4. Ensure ESXi itself is install on local storage configured with RAID (and not a USB key) as the Exchange VM is dependant on that host and is not protected by vSphere HA. Nor is it easily/quickly portable due to the storage not being shared.


Using Local Storage in either a JBOD or RAID configuration is fully supported by Microsoft and is a valid option for MS Exchange deployments.

In my opinion Local Storage deployments have more downsides than upsides and I would recommend considering other storage options for Virtualized Exchange deployments.

Other options along with my recommended options will be discussed in the next 3 parts of this series.

Back to the Index of How to successfully Virtualize MS Exchange.

~ Post Updated January 2nd 2015 Thanks to feedback from @zerszenyi ~